Monday, November 23, 2009

How To Stop the fear of Change From Stopping Your Dreams II

Naturally we as human are afraid of changes, especially events that affect our existence in an unusual way.

 My question  is, "change" is it a robber of good things of life ? No not at all.
So find out how to kick your excuses here now,you can really do it!

The most important thing is to understand that life is always made from ups and downs and nobody can be in a permanent ascending trend, simply because that is impossible. Even the most successful people experience the ups and downs , so nobody can avoid them.

However, the  important issue is not how to avoid changes, fears and bad experiences, but how to learn from them. It is crucial not to let problems rob us of our great dreams.We need instead to use changes especially the ones uncomfortable ones ,to advance  personally and professionally . 

There is no doubt that problems affect us, which is actually normal, due to the fact that we have feelings, but, nevertheless, every single hard moment of our lives should make us even stronger. That is why you should always analyze and meditate on the worse situation you had to deal with, in the course of your life.Then learn from your mistakes, because they will help you be prepared for the various opportunities coming your way soon.

Do you know  that every single episode of our lives happens with a pre-determined good reason?  Life, somehow prepares us for certain events to come, so if we focus enough attention on our previous experiences, we will understand many things about the present.

With all that, it is also true that the unexpected can happen anytime. However, you should keep in mind that a change is not always for the worse and consequently, you must never let go of an opportunity, because you are afraid to take the risk. Remember that, from time to time, something has to happen in order to free you from monotony, so you should be encourage  in your day to day affairs, instead of being afraid of change, to prepare for it with all your heart.

If you just don’t feel capable of realizing what a certain change in your life, actually means, here’s a list of tips that might help you get motivated:

1. Try to think only of the positive impacts that you will experience  after the change.

2.See how important they are and think deeply about them on how to multiply them, by adding some other good aspects, which need certain assistance.

3. Picture somebody else in your situation, as picturing ourselves in a less desirable position, always looks more dramatic than it really is. If you realize that the other person can handle the change, you can be sure you’ll be able to handle it as well.

4.Imagine the worse situation that can result after the change and try to find various solutions to it.Ponder on  how much you can loose, if the worst happened, and how important those things are to you. Then think about possibe solutions .If you find more than one reasonable solution, you are safe the change can never be stronger than you are!

Remember, life is about perspectives. What seem like a mountain to an ant is a small stone to a human. Expand your mental capacity. Face the situation with the attitude that there is a way out and you will find it.  Whatever your challenge today, don’t run away from it stop being afraid and kick your excuses!
. Be like a postage stamp that sticks to a letter till it gets to its destination.So when next you are going through series of changes thought it not a robbery.Be at alert to the lesson of the season because this how greatness is engraved on the heart of successful people.
I am recommending these books that have help me tremendously;
1.How to Kick Your Excuses Goodbye Forever!

2.Mega Extra Income opportunities!

Enjoy your moments.