Friday, April 9, 2010

Write Your Own Book PART 2

If you've read Part 1 of this series and have now decided to move on to Part 2, I'm going to assume that you are now convinced that writing a book is a unique and powerful way to increase your status in the marketplace, as well as your bottom line.

Entrepreneur Toolkit - Write Your Own Book Part 1

Have you ever thought of the benefits to being a published author? As an entrepreneur, having your own book will immediately set you apart from the crowd, and signal to all potential customers that you are the "real deal."
Writing a book about your particular product or service can be one of the most lucrative and powerful steps you can take in your entrepreneurial career.
There is something about handing out a book with your name on it that makes people look at you in a different way. I know. I've got six published books, and a seventh manuscript currently sitting with my agent in Los Angeles, and I know that amazing feeling when people find out what I've done.
And you can do it, too.
Over the last 10 years, I have helped hundreds of amateur authors create their first works. And after receiving lots of requests to help even more people, I've decided to put down what I know in this series of articles.
The first step is overcoming the objections to writing a book.
You might think that writing a book is too much work, or too hard to learn, or that it won't make much difference in the long run. You would be wrong on each count. Let's take a look at these objections one at a time, and blow them out of the water!
Objection #1 - Writing a book is too much work
Well, that depends on how you write it and what type of coaching you get. If you just sit down at the computer, open a new MS-Word file, and stare at the blinking cursor until inspiration strikes you, then yes, it is too much work to write a book.
But if you attack the task with an organized plan, creating an amazing, helpful and praise-worthy book is only hours away.
Objection #2 - Writing a book is too hard to learn
There are, of course, details in taking on a project like this. And it could be overwhelming if you try and go it alone. But all you really need is a guide to help you through some of the difficult parts, and that's exactly the role I would like to play for you through this series of articles.
I've often said that writing a book is not easy, but it is simple. What I mean by that is, taken as a whole, writing a book can create an intimidating and daunting list of tasks. Yet, taken one at a time, each task is truly simple. You'll see that as we move on.
Objection #3 - Writing a book won't make much difference to my business
If you truly think this (and I've worked with many people who do) then you are just not thinking creatively. Imagine speaking with authority to audiences that have come just to hear you. Imagine articles in the local newspapers announcing your accomplishments. Imagine checks piling up on a table around your in exchange for nothing more than your book, a handshake, and your autograph.
I know that all of that is possible, because it's all happened to me. And throughout the rest of this article series, I'll show you how it can happen to you, too.
So what should you do next? What are some things you can do right now to make your writing clearer? Those are exactly the questions I've spent the last 10 years researching, and you can find out the answers by visiting me at Enter your first name and email address, and you'll receive set of articles covering this subject.
Kevin Franz is a successful fiction author and online marketer. For more than twenty years he has made his living putting words to paper, and he has helped thousands create their first written works. He is currently showing internet marketers how to incorporate the techniques of great fiction into their online sales efforts. You can find the details on his blog -

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Have you ever wanted to write an e-book before?

Have you ever wanted to write an e-book before?  There are million of people who have thought about it. Many of those individuals are interested in writing an e-book due to their love for writing, but others are interested in making a profit.  Unfortunately, to make a profit, you will not only have to write an e-book, but sell it. This can be a long and difficult task; however, that does not mean that you can’t make money by selling e-books.  You can with something that is known as private label resell rights.

To obtain the private label resell rights to an e-book, you will need to find an opportunity. Online, it is likely that you will come across a number of different individuals who are selling the resell rights to their e-books.  The fact that they are selling their rights does not necessarily mean that their work cannot sell or that it is poor in quality. In fact, many e-book authors just do not have the time to market their product to its targeted audience.  However, if you do have the time and the knowledge, you could make a full or part-time living. 

As previously mentioned, you will have to find an individual who is willing to sell their e-book resell rights to you. When searching for that individual and e-book, you are encouraged to be on the lookout for a number of different things.  First, it is important to request samples or a copy of the e-book. The cost of obtaining the resell rights to a private label product, including an e-book, can be fairly high. Before agreeing to purchase the resale rights, you will need to make sure that the product will be marketable and in demand.  If so, you can then proceed to strike a deal.

Finding an e-book author, that is selling their private label resell rights, is a fairly easy process.  The hard part is finding buyers for the product that you are now responsible for selling.  There are a number of different ways that you can try and sell an e-book. In addition to just using one selling methods, you may be able to find extra success by using a combination of them. 

Perhaps, the best way to sell an e-book is to target the e-book’s intended audience.  You may want to think about creating a simple webpage with your e-book information on it. This webpage will not only be picked up by search engines, but you can also provide links; this is where targeting your audience will come in.  For instance, if you have an e-book on popular beauty tips, you may want to post on message boards that have a focus on personal care. There are a large number of online message boards that allow the posting of a signature. This signature may include the link to your e-book’s website. 

In addition to using linking, you can also advertise the e-book with online classified ads.  Online, there are literally an unlimited number of classified websites and many of them are free to use. Advertising the e-book that you have available for sale online, especially with classified ads, is a low-cost way to generate public interest.  Local classifieds are also a good idea; however, many cost money.  Whether you only use online classified ads, local classified ads, or both, your e-book should get the exposure that it needs to start selling.
Another way that you could sell the e-book is through an online auction website.  On any given day, most online auction websites have over one million products listed.  There is always a chance that your e-book could get lost in those items, but the chances are slim. On most occasions, your e-book will get purchased or it will at least get the exposure needed to generate interest.

All business opportunities, including the buying and selling of e-books, takes time to generate revenue.  If you do not automatically see the results that you were looking for, with private label e-book resell rights, you are encouraged to give it time  With that being said, you can still do whatever you wish, which may include moving on to another business opportunity.

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The secret to taking a cut or share from the 'internet profit pie'
without having to go broke over it is by selling information product.

 You are not just going to sell information product but you will sell
 a product that solve a problem. The secret to pulling lorry loads
 of cash from the internet is by solving despearte needs of
the people. Any business that solve people problems will
 always smile to the bank.

Your ability to help enough other people solve their
 problem guarantee you of making endless income from the internet.

Another critical factor you should consider when creating
your information product is your market selection idea.

Here is what  Imean ...

Endeavour to select the right market,
that is a market with lots of buyers and not just
 window shoppers. The market you select to create your
 info product for must be hungry for the information
 and must be willing to pay any price to get that information.
 If you select the right market, you are on your
way to becoming the next internet millionaire.

Research the right market you are targeting before
even coming up with an information because the hassles
of craeting a product and no one is interested in it is enough to
 kill your enthusiam for internet business.

Therefore, do maket research and be absolutely sure that the
 market is right. The right approach to use are

- visit online store where information product are sold to
 see if product in your market are doing well.
Eg, etc

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- sell product that have proven to sell before in your market and one that has competitors

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