Friday, April 9, 2010

Entrepreneur Toolkit - Write Your Own Book Part 1

Have you ever thought of the benefits to being a published author? As an entrepreneur, having your own book will immediately set you apart from the crowd, and signal to all potential customers that you are the "real deal."
Writing a book about your particular product or service can be one of the most lucrative and powerful steps you can take in your entrepreneurial career.
There is something about handing out a book with your name on it that makes people look at you in a different way. I know. I've got six published books, and a seventh manuscript currently sitting with my agent in Los Angeles, and I know that amazing feeling when people find out what I've done.
And you can do it, too.
Over the last 10 years, I have helped hundreds of amateur authors create their first works. And after receiving lots of requests to help even more people, I've decided to put down what I know in this series of articles.
The first step is overcoming the objections to writing a book.
You might think that writing a book is too much work, or too hard to learn, or that it won't make much difference in the long run. You would be wrong on each count. Let's take a look at these objections one at a time, and blow them out of the water!
Objection #1 - Writing a book is too much work
Well, that depends on how you write it and what type of coaching you get. If you just sit down at the computer, open a new MS-Word file, and stare at the blinking cursor until inspiration strikes you, then yes, it is too much work to write a book.
But if you attack the task with an organized plan, creating an amazing, helpful and praise-worthy book is only hours away.
Objection #2 - Writing a book is too hard to learn
There are, of course, details in taking on a project like this. And it could be overwhelming if you try and go it alone. But all you really need is a guide to help you through some of the difficult parts, and that's exactly the role I would like to play for you through this series of articles.
I've often said that writing a book is not easy, but it is simple. What I mean by that is, taken as a whole, writing a book can create an intimidating and daunting list of tasks. Yet, taken one at a time, each task is truly simple. You'll see that as we move on.
Objection #3 - Writing a book won't make much difference to my business
If you truly think this (and I've worked with many people who do) then you are just not thinking creatively. Imagine speaking with authority to audiences that have come just to hear you. Imagine articles in the local newspapers announcing your accomplishments. Imagine checks piling up on a table around your in exchange for nothing more than your book, a handshake, and your autograph.
I know that all of that is possible, because it's all happened to me. And throughout the rest of this article series, I'll show you how it can happen to you, too.
So what should you do next? What are some things you can do right now to make your writing clearer? Those are exactly the questions I've spent the last 10 years researching, and you can find out the answers by visiting me at Enter your first name and email address, and you'll receive set of articles covering this subject.
Kevin Franz is a successful fiction author and online marketer. For more than twenty years he has made his living putting words to paper, and he has helped thousands create their first written works. He is currently showing internet marketers how to incorporate the techniques of great fiction into their online sales efforts. You can find the details on his blog -