Friday, April 9, 2010

Write Your Own Book PART 2

If you've read Part 1 of this series and have now decided to move on to Part 2, I'm going to assume that you are now convinced that writing a book is a unique and powerful way to increase your status in the marketplace, as well as your bottom line.

Entrepreneur Toolkit - Write Your Own Book Part 1

Have you ever thought of the benefits to being a published author? As an entrepreneur, having your own book will immediately set you apart from the crowd, and signal to all potential customers that you are the "real deal."
Writing a book about your particular product or service can be one of the most lucrative and powerful steps you can take in your entrepreneurial career.
There is something about handing out a book with your name on it that makes people look at you in a different way. I know. I've got six published books, and a seventh manuscript currently sitting with my agent in Los Angeles, and I know that amazing feeling when people find out what I've done.
And you can do it, too.
Over the last 10 years, I have helped hundreds of amateur authors create their first works. And after receiving lots of requests to help even more people, I've decided to put down what I know in this series of articles.
The first step is overcoming the objections to writing a book.
You might think that writing a book is too much work, or too hard to learn, or that it won't make much difference in the long run. You would be wrong on each count. Let's take a look at these objections one at a time, and blow them out of the water!
Objection #1 - Writing a book is too much work
Well, that depends on how you write it and what type of coaching you get. If you just sit down at the computer, open a new MS-Word file, and stare at the blinking cursor until inspiration strikes you, then yes, it is too much work to write a book.
But if you attack the task with an organized plan, creating an amazing, helpful and praise-worthy book is only hours away.
Objection #2 - Writing a book is too hard to learn
There are, of course, details in taking on a project like this. And it could be overwhelming if you try and go it alone. But all you really need is a guide to help you through some of the difficult parts, and that's exactly the role I would like to play for you through this series of articles.
I've often said that writing a book is not easy, but it is simple. What I mean by that is, taken as a whole, writing a book can create an intimidating and daunting list of tasks. Yet, taken one at a time, each task is truly simple. You'll see that as we move on.
Objection #3 - Writing a book won't make much difference to my business
If you truly think this (and I've worked with many people who do) then you are just not thinking creatively. Imagine speaking with authority to audiences that have come just to hear you. Imagine articles in the local newspapers announcing your accomplishments. Imagine checks piling up on a table around your in exchange for nothing more than your book, a handshake, and your autograph.
I know that all of that is possible, because it's all happened to me. And throughout the rest of this article series, I'll show you how it can happen to you, too.
So what should you do next? What are some things you can do right now to make your writing clearer? Those are exactly the questions I've spent the last 10 years researching, and you can find out the answers by visiting me at Enter your first name and email address, and you'll receive set of articles covering this subject.
Kevin Franz is a successful fiction author and online marketer. For more than twenty years he has made his living putting words to paper, and he has helped thousands create their first written works. He is currently showing internet marketers how to incorporate the techniques of great fiction into their online sales efforts. You can find the details on his blog -

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Have you ever wanted to write an e-book before?

Have you ever wanted to write an e-book before?  There are million of people who have thought about it. Many of those individuals are interested in writing an e-book due to their love for writing, but others are interested in making a profit.  Unfortunately, to make a profit, you will not only have to write an e-book, but sell it. This can be a long and difficult task; however, that does not mean that you can’t make money by selling e-books.  You can with something that is known as private label resell rights.

To obtain the private label resell rights to an e-book, you will need to find an opportunity. Online, it is likely that you will come across a number of different individuals who are selling the resell rights to their e-books.  The fact that they are selling their rights does not necessarily mean that their work cannot sell or that it is poor in quality. In fact, many e-book authors just do not have the time to market their product to its targeted audience.  However, if you do have the time and the knowledge, you could make a full or part-time living. 

As previously mentioned, you will have to find an individual who is willing to sell their e-book resell rights to you. When searching for that individual and e-book, you are encouraged to be on the lookout for a number of different things.  First, it is important to request samples or a copy of the e-book. The cost of obtaining the resell rights to a private label product, including an e-book, can be fairly high. Before agreeing to purchase the resale rights, you will need to make sure that the product will be marketable and in demand.  If so, you can then proceed to strike a deal.

Finding an e-book author, that is selling their private label resell rights, is a fairly easy process.  The hard part is finding buyers for the product that you are now responsible for selling.  There are a number of different ways that you can try and sell an e-book. In addition to just using one selling methods, you may be able to find extra success by using a combination of them. 

Perhaps, the best way to sell an e-book is to target the e-book’s intended audience.  You may want to think about creating a simple webpage with your e-book information on it. This webpage will not only be picked up by search engines, but you can also provide links; this is where targeting your audience will come in.  For instance, if you have an e-book on popular beauty tips, you may want to post on message boards that have a focus on personal care. There are a large number of online message boards that allow the posting of a signature. This signature may include the link to your e-book’s website. 

In addition to using linking, you can also advertise the e-book with online classified ads.  Online, there are literally an unlimited number of classified websites and many of them are free to use. Advertising the e-book that you have available for sale online, especially with classified ads, is a low-cost way to generate public interest.  Local classifieds are also a good idea; however, many cost money.  Whether you only use online classified ads, local classified ads, or both, your e-book should get the exposure that it needs to start selling.
Another way that you could sell the e-book is through an online auction website.  On any given day, most online auction websites have over one million products listed.  There is always a chance that your e-book could get lost in those items, but the chances are slim. On most occasions, your e-book will get purchased or it will at least get the exposure needed to generate interest.

All business opportunities, including the buying and selling of e-books, takes time to generate revenue.  If you do not automatically see the results that you were looking for, with private label e-book resell rights, you are encouraged to give it time  With that being said, you can still do whatever you wish, which may include moving on to another business opportunity.

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The secret to taking a cut or share from the 'internet profit pie'
without having to go broke over it is by selling information product.

 You are not just going to sell information product but you will sell
 a product that solve a problem. The secret to pulling lorry loads
 of cash from the internet is by solving despearte needs of
the people. Any business that solve people problems will
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Your ability to help enough other people solve their
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Another critical factor you should consider when creating
your information product is your market selection idea.

Here is what  Imean ...

Endeavour to select the right market,
that is a market with lots of buyers and not just
 window shoppers. The market you select to create your
 info product for must be hungry for the information
 and must be willing to pay any price to get that information.
 If you select the right market, you are on your
way to becoming the next internet millionaire.

Research the right market you are targeting before
even coming up with an information because the hassles
of craeting a product and no one is interested in it is enough to
 kill your enthusiam for internet business.

Therefore, do maket research and be absolutely sure that the
 market is right. The right approach to use are

- visit online store where information product are sold to
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Eg, etc

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Monday, November 23, 2009

How to Earn Extra Income at Home With Your Computer

Working from home is a true blessing. Many mothers choose to stay at home with their children to avoid the high cost of day care. Learning how to earn extra income at home is possible if you stay on task. It is important to do extensive research and avoid scams as much as possible.

Many people think that all work at Home opportunities are scams and you will never make any money. This could not be further from the truth. It is possible to earn money while working in the comfort of your own home. It may take time but it can happen with a little bit of patience.

Work at home employment is sometimes hard to come by. Many people are out searching for these positions which allows for extensive competition. You must research each job listing and have a well written resume available. Try to stand out from the crowd and be prepared for several telephone interviews.

Select a position that interests you such as writing, customer service, data entry or sales. Many employers will route telephone calls to your home through your desktop computer. You will then answer calls for them as a customer service representative. You may also find high paying writing jobs or you may find work as a blogger for well known websites. Research and doing searches online will show you thousands of different ways to make money online.

The internet has opened doors for millions of people to work from home. You can be productive and successful as an employee working from home. It is important to have discipline and stay on task. Try to avoid common distractions such as children, telephone calls, television and surfing the internet. It is vital to have a schedule that separates work time from personal time.

You may be asked by employers to prove your dependability and if your home is free from distractions. Be prepared to explain your schedule and how you plan to be productive throughout the day. When you decide to work from home you must understand that hard work still needs to get done. Many people fall into a trap of thinking that working from home is easy. Try to remember that it must be treated just like a job outside the home.

Once you find the right job announce to your family what your work hours will be. Explain to them that they need to give you privacy and allow you to be free of distractions. Ask your family to support you and your decision to work from home.

Do you really want to make money by Article Marketing?

John Farcikan is an expert on how to extra income at home to drive targeted visitors to your business opportunity.

Find out how to drive loads of traffic to your website by checking out the following

How To Earn Extra Income Doing What You Love

The greatest investment one can make into life is through information because the quality of your life will never be higher than the quality of the thought provoking information you acquire consistently. You cannot rise above the level of information that you have. Knowledge is vital to the achievement of any level of significance in life. Successful people do not  wait for things to happen or  watch things happen but they make things happen and  eventually happen to things. Excellent footballers do not run to where the ball is, they run to where the ball is going.

 One of the key important skill anyone who desires to earn extra income doing what he or she loves   is selling. One way or the other, everybody is into the business of selling. We sell literally everything. Of course we sell products and services but then we sell ideas too. Most of the time when we discuss with people we try to sell ideas to them. To our children we sell values, attitudes and behaviors. Ultimately everybody sells himself or herself. The degree to which you are effective in marketing yourself will determine how high you rise, whether you are working for yourself or for someone else. There are intelligent people who cannot package and sell themselves very well  they do not rise. The extent to which you can sell yourself effectively to those who have the power to promote you, will determine how high your extra income will be . In every organization, there are employees who can sell themselves very well to their bosses and there are some who cannot. So, selling skills are fundamental. Everybody needs to know how to sell. Those who can persuade, convince, and influence other people always stand a better chance than those who cannot.

 Ultimately you will agree with me that it is sales that drive everything. It is sales that drive production. For example, what is the use of you producing soap or notebook, or anything if you are not selling? You will be frustrated out of production. What also determines the number of goods produced are sales. The more sales you make, the higher the volume of goods produced and the more the demands on your stock. It is sales that drive staffing, employment and also jobs. If sales are being made, more people will be required to sell and produce, and more people will be required to manage the income and expenditure. All developed economies know that if sales go down, everything goes down because there will be job cuts.

So set a goal for yourself today to improve your selling skill and begin to enjoy cool cash from various extra income opportunities around you now.

Enjoy your moments.
Discover the best and easy way to do what you really love and Start making lot of cash today!

How To Stop the fear of Change From Stopping Your Dreams II

Naturally we as human are afraid of changes, especially events that affect our existence in an unusual way.

 My question  is, "change" is it a robber of good things of life ? No not at all.
So find out how to kick your excuses here now,you can really do it!

The most important thing is to understand that life is always made from ups and downs and nobody can be in a permanent ascending trend, simply because that is impossible. Even the most successful people experience the ups and downs , so nobody can avoid them.

However, the  important issue is not how to avoid changes, fears and bad experiences, but how to learn from them. It is crucial not to let problems rob us of our great dreams.We need instead to use changes especially the ones uncomfortable ones ,to advance  personally and professionally . 

There is no doubt that problems affect us, which is actually normal, due to the fact that we have feelings, but, nevertheless, every single hard moment of our lives should make us even stronger. That is why you should always analyze and meditate on the worse situation you had to deal with, in the course of your life.Then learn from your mistakes, because they will help you be prepared for the various opportunities coming your way soon.

Do you know  that every single episode of our lives happens with a pre-determined good reason?  Life, somehow prepares us for certain events to come, so if we focus enough attention on our previous experiences, we will understand many things about the present.

With all that, it is also true that the unexpected can happen anytime. However, you should keep in mind that a change is not always for the worse and consequently, you must never let go of an opportunity, because you are afraid to take the risk. Remember that, from time to time, something has to happen in order to free you from monotony, so you should be encourage  in your day to day affairs, instead of being afraid of change, to prepare for it with all your heart.

If you just don’t feel capable of realizing what a certain change in your life, actually means, here’s a list of tips that might help you get motivated:

1. Try to think only of the positive impacts that you will experience  after the change.

2.See how important they are and think deeply about them on how to multiply them, by adding some other good aspects, which need certain assistance.

3. Picture somebody else in your situation, as picturing ourselves in a less desirable position, always looks more dramatic than it really is. If you realize that the other person can handle the change, you can be sure you’ll be able to handle it as well.

4.Imagine the worse situation that can result after the change and try to find various solutions to it.Ponder on  how much you can loose, if the worst happened, and how important those things are to you. Then think about possibe solutions .If you find more than one reasonable solution, you are safe the change can never be stronger than you are!

Remember, life is about perspectives. What seem like a mountain to an ant is a small stone to a human. Expand your mental capacity. Face the situation with the attitude that there is a way out and you will find it.  Whatever your challenge today, don’t run away from it stop being afraid and kick your excuses!
. Be like a postage stamp that sticks to a letter till it gets to its destination.So when next you are going through series of changes thought it not a robbery.Be at alert to the lesson of the season because this how greatness is engraved on the heart of successful people.
I am recommending these books that have help me tremendously;
1.How to Kick Your Excuses Goodbye Forever!

2.Mega Extra Income opportunities!

Enjoy your moments.

Friday, November 20, 2009

How To Stop the fear of Change From Stopping Your Dreams Part I

There is a story about the former American President, Abraham Lincoln. A man who refused to accept his failures as being final, but rather used them to progress personally and professionally .

In 1831, he failed in business. In 1832, he was defeated in the state Legislature. In 1833 he failed in business again. In 1834, he was elected to the state legislature. But his sweet heart died. In 1836, he had a nervous breakdown. In 1838, he was defeated for the speaker of the state legislature.  In 1840, he was defeated for the electoral congress. In 1843, he was defeated for the congress. In 1846, he was defeated for congress. In 1848, he was defeated for congress. In 1855, he was defeated for senate. In 1856, he was defeated for vice president. In 1858, he was defeated for senate. In 1860, he was elected President of the United States of America. His story may sound like a catalogue of woes, but he fulfilled his destiny. His dreams came to pass because he refused to stay down.

You may have given up over and over again. You may have given up on yourself and lost hope about the future. You may be sitting on the rubbles of broken dreams-dreams that you once cherished. I want you to know that there is hope for you, if you don’t give up. Don’t give up on your dream of starting that business. Very soon the tide will turn in your favour. 

To fail means to be unsuccessful at something. In other words, not to achieve a set goal. However, I should say that you are not made a failure. We have some experience in life, which intend to convince us that we are not capable of achieving our  dreams. They seek to convince us that we are failures.

But failure never need be final. The experiences we regard as failures should be considered simply as temporary setbacks. To succeed, we must learn to handle failure. I have discovered that successful people are just failures who, despite their set backs, push on to achieve their goals. On the other hand, failures are the successful people who gave up because of temporary setbacks. Conrad Hilton, the hotel executive once said; "Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit".

What you consider as your greatest problem today may not be your problem. The greatest problem is how you see the problem. You may see the challenge as a dead-end or an opportunity for a turn around. You may see it as an obstacle or a potential blessing in disguise. I want to encourage you, don’t give up. Inside every adversity is an opportunity. God is setting you up for promotion. The greatest tests of your life will eventually produce the greatest testimonies.   

Why do people fail? There are many reasons.

One major cause of failure is fear.

Fear destroys will power. It paralyses. Fear breaks momentum and weakens enthusiasm. Fear introduces doubts and indecision. Fear holds in bondage. Fear breeds insecurity, discourages initiative and makes persistence impossible. We must break free from fear.

There is real fear, and there is shadow fear. Real fear, for example, is what you experience when you come face to face with a lion. Real fear is a defense mechanism programmed into your system to help you respond adequately to danger. But shadow fear is based on something that may not happen, a situation that is not yet real. Most of the things people fear is not real. Someone said fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. The fear of failure for example holds a lot of people in bondage. Once we have experienced a setback, the devil plays on our imagination. He uses a single experience to project pictures of failure into the future.

The student who fails an examination writes the next one without confidence. The person who fails in business ventures three times concludes that he may never make it after all. He projects the past on the future. Some whose dreams have been shattered in marriage find it difficult to believe that they will not be disappointed again. They are just convinced that something is bound to go wrong somewhere. Some really even believe that they are jinxed.

Don’t be afraid. The size of any problem is not as important as the size of the person perspective. Greater abilities are on your inside than the challenge on your outside. There is a difference between failure as a person and failure as an event. It is the event that messed up. As a person, you are still a success.So try it again!

Enjoy your moments !

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Success Strategies For Personal Growth II

As caterpillar changes into an attractive and productive butterfly so also you need to consistently experience growth in your personal life.But you must be willing to change. Every living thing on this earth is designed for growth. However not many people are willing to dedicate themselves to a deliberate program of growth. This is because growth requires change, and most of us are reluctant to change. But without change, growth is impossible. Life is designed for motion not stagnation. Those who put up with stagnation eventually end up in frustration. The average person may not mind change as long as it affects someone else. But we put up resistance when it affects us personally.

Dear friend, if you’re not changing, you’re not growing. Growing means giving up familiar but limiting beliefs, values, and work, relationships or thought patterns. Change is inevitable. Everybody has to deal with it because if we are not growing we start dying.

Life is designed for growth, for continuous improvement. To experience personal development you must make a choice for growth, because growth is a choice. It is impossible for you to try and maintain your current position and make progress at the same time. Don’t dig in, but keep moving. Settle this once and for all. The only way to improve the quality of your life is to improve yourself through consistent growth.

To grow your business, grow yourself. To have a better wife, be a better husband. To have better children be a better parent. To have better friends, be a better friend. One of the greatest discoveries you’ll make in life is this: as you change and improve; things and people will change and improve around you. Since the only person you really have the ability to change anyway is yourself, begin by changing yourself. Make a choice to grow everyday. And start with what you have where you are. The things that you have done to be where you are today very basic. Because they are things you have done daily over a long period of time. Things like breathing, eating, sleeping and going to toilet. Take note they are things you must do for yourself.

You see, growth is a non-transferable responsibility; start now. Feed your mind with the good stuff, buy books,attend seminar, volunteer for community services and any other ways you can think of to improve your self. And begin to apply the things you are learning. Change your attitude and your altitude level will change

There is nothing that brings contentment in life like growth. Whatever or whoever is not growing becomes a source of concern. Growth has many advantages. When we grow we change. And when we change things happen around us. Life becomes more favourable. You see, there are many good opportunities available for us to enjoy. But we cannot gain access to them until we are matured enough to handle them. Growth today guarantees a better tomorrow. Life responds to values not titles. When you add to your personal value everyday, you will eventually attract what you are worth.

Now to grow you must be teachable. The greatest obstacle to growth may not be ignorance. It may be knowledge. The point at which you feel that you know it all is the point is the point at which you stop growing. Really, the more you know, the more you should know that you don’t know. No wonder former basketball coach, John Wooden once said, “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” Always remember that there is a higher level than where you are. And when you remain teachable, your potential is almost limitless.

Make a decision to grow now .

Monday, November 9, 2009

Success Strategies For Personal Growth

Personal growth is a key requirement for anyone who wanted to go far in life journey .Growth dont just happen.It comes as a result of consistent commitment to life - giving principles that works for anyone ,anywhere who is willing to pay the price.

Many people today desires to  grow but few are willing to pay the price.Among all the things that can  affect  your future, I believe personal growth is the greatest.And there is always a prize attach that if you commit yourself to will greatly influence your life for good.

Why ?

This because even though growth is natural,  to be successful you need to become mindful of quite a lot of things that relates to life.In this article,we are going to explore together several failure proof strategies that many outstanding people have used over the years to succeed.Then we see how you can apply them and get the same results in your personal life,family,business,and community.

First we need to define success.

What is success ?

Success have been defined by several great people in diffrent ways,but to me I see success as the progressive achievement of the ultimate purpose of an individual in life.
It does not come cheap ,nor does it come by chance.You need to deliberately desire and plan for it.
Many to are just going around parading the shadows of success not the really thing.To be successful in growing personally,you need the following seven key strategies;

1. S-et passionate, productive and profittable daily goals to promote  your major life purpose .

2. U-se your  T.A.G.S. (talent,abilities ,gift and skills )to help others succeed.

3. C-ount the cost of working out your life giving purpose.

4. C-ommit yourself to work with others in line with your life purpose.

5. E-mpower yourself through seminars,tapes,workshop,books,magazines etc

6. S-tart your long term goal with what you have,where you are and with those around you.

7. S-how as many people as possible how you succeed.

You must rise to a new level, so you can take your family,career and business to a new level. Pay the price for growth today; you will win the prize of success tomorrow. See you at the top.Look out for  " Success Strategies For Personal Growth II " .